We all have lots of friends that are very dear to us, but not all of them will be able or even willing to serve on the bridal train. So what do you do when a friend asks “How Can I Help?” Chances are, you already have all of your vendors, and many logistics are ironed out, so you are struggling to come up with a response for that friend who keeps asking, and who really wants to find a way to be there for you at the wedding. Below are a few easy ideas which are not too stressful for the friend, but will honestly help you a whole lot on your wedding day:

  • Gift CollectorMany times, even if you ask guests to bring monetary gifts only, or even no gifts at all, there will still be at least one person who brings a gift just out of habit. It may be a small gift, or a huge crock pot or dinner set. I’ve seen people get multiple dinner sets on their wedding night! But while you are whisked away in a limo or vintage car to your hotel, you don’t want to deal with the logistics of getting those gifts back home to you. This is where a group of 2-3 friends can really help. They can bear the responsibility of getting the gifts to their vehicles, and home to you once you return. 
  • Ceremony UsherThis is especially helpful if your church or chapel is not providing ushers for your wedding. Your friends can help pass out programs to guests, but will still be present in the hall to watch everything unfold. Its a great role to allow them to help without feeling that they are missing any part of the program.
  • Bridal Emergency Kit HolderEvery bride should have an “emergency kit” – with a brush, flat shoes, hair pins, blotting tissues and a few other things. Some say that the Maid of Honor should manage this for the bride, but the Maid of Honor is also very involved between the entrance dances, and fixing the brides train and likely won’t have the time to steal away and sneak in a bridal bag. It helps a lot of another guest, who will have the opportunity to be seated for the majority of the night keeps the emergency kit, so that everything is easily accessible throughout the night, and no one has to go back to a changing room or suite to get the items once an “emergency” arises later. 

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