Donning myself in the beauty and fashions of the 30s, 40s, and 50s has led me to a level of confidence unparalleled to my previous experience. It is the wonder of discovering your perfect shade of red lipstick, and the excitement of ‘dolling up’ for no more reason than to meet the world in style, that continues to capture my fancies. I enjoy the possibility of meeting the world with more to offer than mere sexiness, and I believe other woman can sympathize with me in saying that the goal for most of us is to be, look, and feel radiant, with a sexy splash here and there. Unlike many trends that phase in and out with the seconds, vintage styles have a timeless quality that fits every woman willing to explore what best sets her heart aflutter.

If you’ve been wanting to go vintage, but needed the extra push, why not try it on for size at your next formal event? Deciding to go vintage can be overwhelming at first, but you only need a few basics to start. First, choose an era that calls to you most. For this post, I’ve chosen to go with a fusion of 40s and 50s fashion. Here are the basics:

  • A Little Black Dress
  • Basic Black Pumps
  • Eyeliner
  • Curling Iron

vintage dresses for wedding or event

Depending on your style, you may choose a more form fitting dress, or one which flares out at the hip, but black is one of the most universal beauty secrets, and a color that mo

st of us have in our closets by default. Of course, if you would like to really jump in, you could choose one of your favorite bold colors. The dresses pictured above are sold by Modcloth , an excellent vintage inspired marketplace that puts everything from Victorian Petticoats to Mod day dresses at your fingertips. They are my go-to whenever I want to to make a splash. Once you’ve chosen your dress, classic pumps, and fabulous jewelry, the only thing left is throw a side part into your curled hair, and capture the beauty of the era.

If you want to make a splash with your makeup, one need only accentuate your beautiful features: your eyes, cheekbones, and lips. Start off with a clean facial canvas by moisturizing, concealing any under eye bags or blemishes, and priming your face. Next, use neutral shades of eye shadow, basing the lid in a lighter brown, and blending a darker brown to black into the left and right corners of both eyes. With liquid liner, build a lovely cat eye by drawing a line from the bottom lash line, extending it out to your desired length, and then connect it to your top lash line by drawing a line from the point and curving under. Curl your lashes and apply mascara to desired coverage. Finally, pat powder foundation over your lips, and line them with a luscious red lip liner. Fill your lips in with the liner, as this will make for long lasting lip coverage. Finally, brush on your desired shade of red lipstick.

This post is not intended to be a definitive how-to for vintage glamour, but a spring board of which to begin pondering your own vintage inspired look. I hope that it has sparked your own vintage visions. Not only will you be the belle of your formal event…you will love every single second of it!

Britta Kirk guest blogger
About the Guest Blogger:
Britta Kirk is a whimsical writer hailing from the sparkling New York City.
She carves a life full of books, ukuleles, and vintage knick-knacks. She graduated from The University of Wales with an MA in Creative Writing, and is currently penning her first novel.
{Sources: Pictures compiled via (}
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