Category: Tips

[Venue] Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center – Save 15% With Us!

The Samiel Riggs IV Alumni Center really is a beautiful space, and while many people don’t think of college campus as an ideal space for an upscale wedding, this space is definitely far from the norm. Some pictures and facts on this space are below, as well as information on how we can save you money on your booking!

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meet Feyisola


Hey there! I’m Feyisola, the owner and one of three lead planners at Statuesque Events. I am a computer engineer turned wedding planner, and would love to share the story on how I got from A to B later when you have time! When I’m not working on weddings, I love cooking and dancing (at the same time), volunteering in my church and coaching other event professionals. Welcome and I hope to chat with you very soon via our contact form!

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